You do not have to go to faraway countries to see God move in powerful ways. This past week Luke and I spent the week in El Paso, TX for a week of spiritual renewal at a Christian school. We spent time teaching in classrooms and preaching in the school wide meetings. I want to tell you about one of the meetings we had.

This school we were ministering in is a wonderful school, and in previous years we had talked about many important, Biblical topics, but had never touched on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This year, however, the head of the school reached out to me and asked me to teach on the Holy Spirit. And that is just what I did—far be it from me to pass up on an opportunity to share about the Holy Spirit! For many of the students, this was the first time they had been exposed to the Holy Spirit in a personal way. As I taught about who the Holy Spirit is and what his purpose is in our lives, I invited students to come to the alter to receive healing and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In our time of prayer, a number of the students were touched by the Holy Spirit and received healing in their bodies. Two students testified of healing in their knees and legs where had constant pain for a few years. One girl testified how she had problems with her Achilles tendon that caused her to have pain when she ran or jumped—but now she was healed! There were others who testified as well about Jesus healing their bodies.

Aside from healing, many of the students testified how they had been encouraged to live a life committed wholeheartedly to Jesus and have boldness to do what He has called them to do. It is really good to know that the Holy Spirit does not just move in distant lands, but He moves wherever He is welcomed. This week, we saw Him move in El Paso, TX.

Throughout the whole week, I preached from my new book, Brave—fulfilling your God-given dreams at a young age. My sermon series for the week was entitled “Brave is ____.” Each day, I filled in that blank in a new way. I explained to the students that being brave begins with knowing Jesus intimately and personally, and how there is no success in life or ministry without a personal relationship with Jesus. I also shared with them about how being brave is living a life that is pure and holy—set apart for the Lord—and sometimes the most brave thing you can do is say “no” when your peers and the worldly culture around you is saying “yes.”

I want to say a personal “Thank you!” to all of you have been supporting us, in your prayers and with your finances. These students’ lives were affected in a positive way because of your constant support of our ministry. We will never be able to thank you enough for your support. Together we are building God’s Kingdom here on earth!

For The Lost,

