Dear Friends of the Lost:

This month, 2 of our staff members--Daniel and Luke--will be embarking on month-long Ministry trips with Oral Roberts University.  Daniel will be leading a team to Chile, and Luke will be part of a team traveling to the Philippines.  We’d like to tell you about these trips this month, so that you can be in prayer for Jesus to use them and their teams mightily for the Lord!  Here’s what Daniel has to say about his trip to Chile:
“Through the missions department at Oral Roberts University, a team of five others and I will be heading to Chile May 14; we arrive back June 13. While there, we will serve our contact, Ely, who heads the Chilean branch of a Ministry whose focus is on reaching children and youth with God's Word. Much of our ministry time will be spent in local schools, teaching and sharing the Gospel with children in their classrooms. We will also have the opportunity to minister to incarcerated women. I do ask for your prayers; they are so valuable to us because, though we plant and water, only God makes things grow. Please pray: 

  • that we are a blessing to our contact, Ely, who has been there and will continue to be there even though we will come back to the U.S. I think of the picture where Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms so that the Israelites could win the battle.
  •  that God grants me and my team capacity to love the people we serve.
  • that we preach the pure Gospel, having grace to present it both to children and adults from many different backgrounds.
  • that the Lord softens the hearts of those we minister to. One of the members of the team that went to Chile a couple years ago mentioned the reality of hard hearts in the prisons.
  • I have the honor to co-lead the trip with another student, Taylor. Please pray that she and I have grace to serve and empower and lead our team. Thank you.”

And now, here’s what Luke has to say about his trip to the Philippines:
“My ORU Missions team will be spending 4 weeks in the country of the Philippines from May 14th to June 13th. During our time in the Philippines, we are going to be partnering with a local church and worship group, and focusing primarily on children and youth ministry by participating in youth and VBS camps. For the last two weeks of our time there, we will be doing daily ministry in a place called Tondo, which is where families trapped in poverty spend their time rummaging through garbage dumps to find anything on which they can survive. We are excited and expectant to see what the Lord will be able to do through us and how he will give us the grace to love the people of the Philippines with the love he has for us.”

For years, Daniel and Luke have been traveling literally around the world, preaching Jesus at mass Crusades and Conferences.  Now, they have these unique opportunities where they will be impacting lives again for the Lord.  I want to thank you for lifting them up to the Lord—along with their teams—as they seek to win souls, disciple people and make Jesus’ love very real to everyone they meet in Chile and the Philippines. 
As we’ve been telling you recently, we have a massive crusade in Ethiopia this fall in a very unreached area of that country.  I am thrilled to report that so far, $16,000 USD has been generously given for this crusade! Thank you so much to all of you who have given, but we still need to raise $9,000 USD. That is a large number, but we know it will yield a great harvest. In November when we were last in Ethiopia, we had over 180,000 people hear the Gospel at our crusade! If we have that same amount of people come this fall, it would only cost 14 cents for someone in Ethiopia to hear the Gospel! Will you pray and ask the Lord what part He may have you play in helping us meet our goal? May the rich blessings of Jesus be yours this month…

For the Lost,

Dr. Kevin Wagner, D.Min.
