Dear Friends of the Harvest,

          I’ve got good news for you, friends: Muslim North Africa is hungry for Jesus! I just got back from preaching a revival there, and it was powerful. Every night, the church was packed with hundreds of precious people. I preached strongly against sin and for repentance through the blood of Jesus. Many repented of their sins each night. One Muslim woman had a demon cast out of her and the blood of Jesus healed many people. It was a dynamic breakthrough for the power of the Holy Spirit, in a city that had never hosted a revival like this before. There are so few followers of Jesus in Muslim North Africa that it truly felt like pioneer, frontier evangelism—and I loved it! What a privilege to bring Christ’s love and power to a part of our world where believers literally live with the daily possibility of persecution and martyrdom from ISIS because of their faith.

          During the day, I preached to scores of local church leaders at our Leadership Conference. Most of them were eager Young Adults, ready to go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit for Great Commission soul winning! I truly believe that Jesus is going to take this group of young Evangelists and release them in a blaze of glory across the Sahara Desert, for the end-time Harvest that is coming among the Muslim people!

          Overall, I preached 14 times in 8 days. Many open doors in unreached nations in Muslim North Africa and the Middle East are opening up to us! These are such exciting times to be alive. I want you to know that your prayers and finances are helping make a true dent in the kingdom of darkness throughout the Islamic world. And as you read this, I am preaching a Revival in another Gospel-starved nation that I’ll tell you about next month… Have a blessed month in Jesus!

For the Lost,

Dr. Kevin Wagner, D.Min.
