
I’ve recently returned from a great Crusade in one of the least-reached countries of Asia. This is a nation filled with Muslim people who are very eager to hear about Jesus! For 4 nights, I was able to preach at our “frontier” Crusade there. Why would we do a frontier Crusade? Well, because it is pushing the boundaries of where the Gospel has been preached. This city had never had meetings like this before, and the large majority of the people who attended had never had the Gospel clearly explained to them ever before. Every night, after hearing the Gospel, the altar was flooded with people eager to be saved! It was as if this was the news they had been waiting for their whole life to hear! And for the many who were saved that week, it truly was! It was so great to see them forsake the worship of false gods and embrace Jesus as Savior and Lord!

Each day, I also spent several hours with dozens of the local Christian leaders in the region. I was able to to impart to them revelations from God’s Word about how to be more effective Christian leaders, and also to prepare them for the grand task of incorporating the new believers into their churches, and preparing them to be baptized and become fruitful disciples themselves.


Of course, every night along with the many salvations, there were also great miracles. In fact, it was these miracles that helped draw so many people to Jesus as Savior, as they saw His power at work before their eyes. On the last night, one dramatic miracle will forever be etched in my mind. A woman (pictured) came to the stage to testify. She told me that she had come to the Crusade with a tumor on her right bicep the size of a “plum,” in her words! But when she trusted Jesus to heal her body that night, the Lord miraculously shrunk it right then and there! I felt her arm where the tumor had been and I could feel the stretched skin on her arm where the tumor had been, but her arm was perfectly flat—the tumor was gone!

So there you have it: In a least-reached city in Muslim-dominated Asia, at a frontier Crusade, many souls were saved, leaders were trained, and many were healed. Thank you for your prayers and gifts. They are what help us do what we do for the Lord. Together, we are truly part of something amazing the Lord is doing in our world today. May Jesus bless you this Christmas season.

Dr. Kevin Wagner, D.Min.
